DSGB success in Portugal2012-07-24
On the 14th & 15th July a team of two of DSGB couples has travelled to Porto for the 3rd WDSF International Open Championship.
Congratulations to Nick Williams & Charmaine Chan on the 21st placing in the International Open Standard and 51st in the World Open Latin events! This was their second trip to Gondomar Open, as last year they were placed 3rd in Syllabus Standard event.
This year Syllabus Standard Event Silver Medals went to Alex Borisov & Anastasia Fokina. Making the semi-final, they were also placed 9th in the Latin section. It was a very special day for them on their first trip abroad after their International debut at the Crystal Palace Challenge earlier in the year.
We congratulate both couples and wish them every success for the future!