Wrapping up another successful year2013-12-18
With the year’s end is rapidly approaching thoughts of food and celebrations with friends and family must be at the front of minds of even the most dedicated competitors!
Here at DSGB we will be celebrating the end of our most successful year to date.
DSGB couples took part in nineteen competitions in 10 countries around the world, ranging from syllabus events all the way to Grand Slam international events.
We organised and ran four ranking competitions, covering all grades and ages. One of these was included as part of the prestigious Crystal Palace Cup competition in London, allowing even our newest and youngest members to dance on the same floor as the world’s best couples.
As part of the “University of Dancesport” project we organised two teacher-training workshops, with more planned for next year. We are already beginning to see these bear fruit with a number of new Juvenile and Junior couples competing in our ranking competition just a few weeks ago, trained by this new generation of coaches.
We would like to thank our members for their contributions to this successful year and wish them success in the coming year.