DSGB success at Izhevsk2014-05-08
England representatives and DSGB members, Nick Williams and Charmaine Chan, reached 10th place at the semi-final in Rising Star Standard at Izhevsk on May 3-4. The couple also reached the quarter-final in the same category in Latin American with 18th place.
Dancing against other international and local competitors, the English representatives also completed in WDSF International Open in both styles.
“As always it was great to be dancing for England in international world-ranking DanceSport events,” Nick Williams said. “Following our success in Russia, we are now heading back to the studio to continue our training for the next competition in London – the Crystal Palace DanceSport Cup. We can’t wait to be performing to a British audience, and on home ground too!”
Follow the couple’s journey on WDSF website. For more details on the upcoming London Crystal Palace DanceSport Cup on May 17, see www.crystalpalacecup.com