DSGB couple competes in Estonia2016-06-20
Organisers in Estonia took on the baton to host the second event in this year’s series of international DanceSport Challenge Cup.
DSGB couple and England representatives, Alex and Anastasia, travelled to Tallinn in June. Dancing against other class level competitors, they performed in both styles of Standard (Ballroom) and Latin American dancing. They also participated in two special solo events – the Foxtrot Cup and Paso Doble Cup – which were open to all adult dancers.
“It was a great competition,” said Anastasia. “We enjoyed meeting up with some of the local dancers and had a brilliant time exploring the city centre with all the trainers and competitors on the following day. It’s a lovely way to end the weekend of intensive competitions.”
“We look forward to the continuation of this venture between countries. The series of international events give us a rare opportunity to dance against other class level couples with similar skills and abilities. It keeps us on our toes (literally!) and gives us new ideas to work on with our trainers back home. And of course, any excuse to travel the world is always good with us!” Alex added.
Details of the next DanceSport Challenge Cup will be revealed shortly. Follow us on our Facebook page for updates.